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Cataract Surgery Before & After

Before the Surgery

Dr. Lisa Martén can reintroduce you to a world of clear vision through advanced cataract surgery. At a state of the art surgery center, Dr. Martén offers LensAR Laser Cataract Surgery, ORA technology, and a wide array of lens implants with two fully equipped ORs and excellent support staff.

When Should I Have Cataract Surgery?

Being diagnosed with a cataract does not mean that you must have cataract surgery. If your vision loss from a cataract is not interfering with your life or can be easily remedied with an updated eyeglass prescription, you do not need to undergo cataract surgery.

Once the cataract is affecting your vision to the point where it is interfering your daily living, you should discuss your eye care options with our San Antonio eye surgeon, Dr. Lisa Martén. Delaying cataract surgery will not make the surgery more difficult to perform or cause any long-term ill effects to your vision.

Be sure to ask any questions you may have and to express any concerns to your surgeon, so you can make an informed decision about when to have cataract surgery. Contact us at (210) 692-1388 or send us a message to learn more about your eye care options.

The Day of the Surgery

How is Cataract Surgery Performed?

Cataract surgery is one of the most common vision correction operations in the United States. Advancements in technology allow cataract removal to be performed as an outpatient procedure using local anesthesia.

Laser cataract surgery prepares the eye for surgery by creating the incisions reducing pre-existing astigmatism and breaking up the lens into smaller pieces. During the cataract removal procedure, the surgeon will remove the eye’s natural lens using a process called phacoemulsification, or phaco. Through a small corneal incision, a small device uses ultrasound waves to break up and remove the lens. An intraocular lens (IOL) is then inserted through the incision to replace the natural lens.