Why are my eyes tearing if they are dry?
The tear film is made up of different components including a mucin layer, an aqueous layer, and an oil layer. Disorders amongst any of these layers can produce dry eyes. Mucin layer disorders can cause filaments to form on the ocular surface and foreign body sensation.
Lacrimal gland inflammation can reduce tear production. A reduced aqueous tear film on the surface of the eye causes your brain to produce more tears.
These tears do not have all the components of a healthy tear film, and can result in excess tearing. If the eye is properly lubricated, the feedback mechanism is reduced, and tearing decreases.
Treating Dry Eyes
Treatment of dry eyes includes artificial tears, prescription drops, and punctal plugs. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, your whole body will benefit from remaining hydrated.
Artificial tears come in many consistencies, and brands. Patient preference dictates the selection of the best drop. The consistency varies from watery to thicker ointments. The thicker the drop, the longer it lasts but can cause blurry vision after application.
Ointments used at night keep the eye lubricated while you sleep. Some prescription drops can be used for increased tear production or mucin layer disorders.
Dry Eye Treatment – Punctal Plugs
Punctal plugs are used to block the outflow of tears. Tears drain into a small duct at the corner of the lids into the nose. Punctal plugs block the exit of this system, natural tears will build up and symptoms will improve. It is a minor procedure to insert them, and there is minimal to no discomfort.
You and your doctor can decide which treatment is good for you. Contact us today to discuss the best option!