Vision Correction Goes Beyond LASIK: Have You Heard of PRK?

When most people think about vision correction surgery, LASIK is the first thing that comes to mind. While LASIK is an excellent procedure and very popular, it isn’t for everyone. You can only have LASIK if you qualify as a candidate for it. It also isn’t the only vision correction surgery you can have. There […]
If I Don’t Qualify For LASIK, Can I Get PRK Instead?

Did your eye doctor tell you that you are not a good candidate for LASIK? Do you want another alternative to LASIK? Most people that aren’t good candidates for LASIK are good candidates for PRK. LASIK and PRK provide patients with almost identical results. Keep reading to find out if you can qualify for PRK […]
What To Expect After Your PRK Procedure
The PRK procedure was the forerunner of LASIK. It is still performed today for certain patients, and it remains a reliable alternative providing excellent results. Since PRK is performed differently from LASIK, the postoperative recommendations are somewhat different. If you are considering having PRK, let’s review what to expect after your PRK procedure. Slower Healing […]